3 Reasons Why You Should Rent Bikes

4 min readJul 20, 2022


rent a bike

How does it feel when you ride a bike? Free? Energetic? Adrenaline rush? If these are your feelings, and maybe more, then welcome to the bike lovers club. They say you should do more of the things that you enjoy. So, if you feel alive while you’re riding a bike and perhaps racing with the wind, you need to know something that’s trending right now. Currently, people are catching up with the trend of bike rent in Kolkata.

“Rentals? What’s the hype around it? If that’s what’s going inside your head, we’ve got you covered. Here are the reasons why you might want to hop on the trend too-

1. Peace For Your Mind, Free on Your Pocket

Who doesn’t dream of enjoying a road trip to Ladakh? If it’s on your bucket list, and all you are waiting for is to save up your money and buy that super-expensive bike compatible for such a journey, then we ask you to stop and rethink your decision. No, no, not your decision of the road trip, but going up to the hassle of buying a new bike.

It only makes sense for you to avail the services of a bike rental in Kolkata. After all, it’s not every day that you plan on being on the road, it’s a trip, and you’re bound to come back. By renting, you don’t have to deal with a hefty amount of payment at the start and enjoy the journey to your fullest potential.

You can spend far less money by renting a bike, along with the added benefits of hassle-free services and no long-term obligations.

The majority of rental service providers have introduced easy subscription models. For instance, you can now drive a car for a low monthly fee that is free of maintenance and other supplemental costs associated with a personal vehicle.

2. It is Completely Your Way or the Highway

Doesn’t matter if you want to go for a quick getaway on the weekends or get a scooty on rent in Kolkata to visit the nearby Italian restaurant to get a feel of the Italian Summer Dreams, you’re free to do whatever you want.

Sometimes, it’s okay to ask for a change. Renting a bike gives you the freedom to upgrade your model as and when you please. Imagine this, how fun would it be to commute to and from your workplace on brand-new wheels every day.

It’s an experience worth living for. Plus, your travel buddies will be left in awe after seeing you ride a new bike almost every day.

3. Incomparable Thrill of Trying Out New Models

Living in a metropolitan area is difficult enough, you don’t require any added pressure of public transport. You are free to operate bikes however you see fit upon the payment of a monthly fee.

It makes perfect sense for professionals with travel-intensive jobs and those who want to commute to and from work every day to rent a bike instead of spending thousands of dollars on a new vehicle.

It also gives you the opportunity to try out different models for a few years, set your hands properly, and then buy a new bike that serves all your needs.

You must already feel the effects of the start-up culture that’s brewing amongst the young generations. It has given you the power and hopes to relocate to a new location in search of employment and better opportunities. Young Indians, like you, are moving across the country and they don’t want to live a mundane life.

They’re in for the thrills, they’re into chill (and hustle). The desire for better services at the best costs will multiply as the average Indian grows more informed.

And, What’s More?

It is significant to observe that the concept of renting bikes is increasing, especially in cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Pune. This is interesting because a large population would rather rent than buy. Currently, people are renting bikes to go for short road trips or nearby excursions. The appeal is having access to expensive luxury vehicles at a reasonable price without having to deal with a driver or incur additional fees.

Several Problems, One Solution


The population is gradually shifting from the concept of owning to sharing. You’re more focused on the quality of life in the spur of the moment which ultimately cancels out dealing with high-interest rates.

Apart from expensive financing struggles, the undulating Indian roads and the nightmarish parking situation in the urban area, makes you want to run away from owning a bike. Even monthly rental plans are less expensive than outright car purchases.

If you are someone who loves the thrill of riding a bike but wouldn’t want to break your bank or exploit your savings, renting is the way to go!

